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Maths 2 Week 2

Linear Algebra Concepts and Solvers


Minor, Cofactor, and Determinant

Minor: The minor of an element is the determinant of the matrix formed by deleting the row and column of that element.
Cofactor: The cofactor of an element \( a_{ij} \) is given by \( C_{ij} = (-1)^{i+j} M_{ij} \).
Determinant: The determinant is a scalar value representing certain properties of the matrix.

2x2 Determinant Formula:

For a 2x2 matrix \( A = \begin{bmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{bmatrix} \), the determinant is calculated as: \[ \text{det}(A) = ad - bc \]

πŸ‘‰Determinant Calculator

Cramer's Rule

Cramer's Rule is a method for solving a system of linear equations using determinants. For a system \( A \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b} \), the solution for each variable is given by: \[ x_i = \frac{\text{det}(A_i)}{\text{det}(A)} \] where \( A_i \) is the matrix formed by replacing the \( i \)-th column of \( A \) with \( \mathbf{b} \).

Cramer's Rule Solver:

Enter constants:


Inverse of a Matrix

The inverse of a matrix \( A \) is denoted as \( A^{-1} \), and it's defined as \( A A^{-1} = A^{-1} A = I \), where \( I \) is the identity matrix.
The inverse can be calculated using various methods, depending on the matrix size.

Matrix Size:


Rank of a Matrix

The rank of a matrix is the maximum number of linearly independent row or column vectors in the matrix. It can be calculated by transforming the matrix into its Row Echelon Form (REF) or Reduced Row Echelon Form (RREF).

Matrix Size:


Row Echelon Form (REF)

The Row Echelon Form of a matrix is achieved when all nonzero rows are above any rows of all zeros, and the leading coefficient of a nonzero row is always to the right of the leading coefficient of the previous row.

Matrix Size:

Row Echelon Form:

Gauss Elimination Method

The Gauss elimination method is used to solve systems of linear equations. It involves using row operations to transform the system into an equivalent system that is easier to solve.

Matrix Size:

Enter constants:



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Honoring Ratan Tata Please take a moment to read this tribute. (Click the box to view the full article) “These handwritten notes encompass topics in data science and civil services. The beauty of knowledge is that you don’t need to belong to any specific group; simply maintain your curiosity, and knowledge will find its way to you. I hope these notes are helpful. If they are, please consider leaving a comment below and follow my blog for updates.” “I’ve started a qualifier series where I’ll summarize maths and stats topics for the qualifier exam and discuss previous year questions (PYQs). Please subscribe to my YouTube channel for updates!” SUBSCRIBE Mathematics 1 πŸ‘‰ Select Week Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9

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Previous year question paper

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Maths 1 week 1 Summary

Number System and Set Theory πŸ“š Set Theory Sets ExplainedπŸ‘‰ Watch here This week, our teacher covered the basics of the number system. We were instructed to consider 0 as part of the natural numbers, as it will be treated as such in future subjects like Python. However, in exams, it will be explicitly stated whether 0 should be considered a natural number. The key topics from this week include set theory and the relationship between two sets. In set theory, we focused on three Venn diagram problems. In the context of relations, we discussed the concepts of reflexive, symmetric, transitive, and equivalence relations. Detailed Explanation 1.Union of Two Sets The union of two sets A and B is the set of elements that are in either A , B , or both. It is denoted as A ∪ B . 2.Intersection of Two Sets The intersection of two sets A and B is the set of elements that are in both A and B . It is denoted as A ∩ B .

CT Week 4

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Coordinate Geometry Formulas πŸ“š Coordinate Geometry Formulas Distance Formula Between Two Points Explanation: Calculates the distance between two points \((x_1, y_1)\) and \((x_2, y_2)\). Formula: \(d = \sqrt{(x_2 - x_1)^2 + (y_2 - y_1)^2}\) Section Formula Explanation: Determines the coordinates of a point dividing a line segment internally in the ratio \(m:n\). Formula: \(\left(\frac{mx_2 + nx_1}{m+n}, \frac{my_2 + ny_1}{m+n}\right)\) Area of Triangle When Three Coordinates Given Explanation: Calculates the area of a triangle with vertices at \((x_1, y_1)\), \((x_2, y_2)\), and \((x_3, y_3)\). Formula: \(\text{Area} = \frac{1}{2} \left| x_1(y_2 - y_3) + x_2(y_3 - y_1) + x_3(y_1 - y_2) \right|\) Parallel Lines Explanation: Lines with the same slope. Formula: If \(m_1 = m_2\), the lines ar

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Supplementary content

Book Collection Marking pattern in exam: Suppose one question is worth 6 marks and there are three correct options, say B, D, and E. Then each option will be worth 2 marks. If you mark only B and D, you will get 4 marks. If you mark any incorrect option, say B, C, D, you will get 0 marks as C was the wrong answer. So if you are not sure of the option, better don’t mark it, or else you will end up getting 0 marks. πŸ‘‡ Supplementary Material Provided by Instructor Student book Spending some time reading it will be highly beneficial. Student Book Statistics These two books are written by Prashant sir. These two books are more than enough to cover Statistics 1 week 1 to 12. I have provided a short summary which will help you memorize terms and terminology. If you don't understand, refer to these books. These two books were made available online by IIT Madras, and their dist

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πŸ“š Quadratic Functions Summary A quadratic function is a polynomial function of degree 2, generally represented as \( f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c \) , where a, b , and c are constants, and a \neq 0 . Graph of Quadratic Function The graph of a quadratic function is a parabola. It can open either upward or downward depending on the sign of the coefficient a . If a > 0 , the parabola opens upward. If a < 0 , it opens downward. Axis of Symmetry The axis of symmetry of a parabola is a vertical line that divides the parabola into two mirror images. It can be found using the formula \( x = -\frac{b}{2a} \) . Coordinates of the Vertex The vertex of the parabola is the highest or lowest point on the graph, depending on whether it opens downward or upward. The coordinates of the vertex can be found using the formula \( (x, y) = \left(-\frac{b}{2a}, f\left(-\frac{b}{2a}\right)\right) \) . Parabola Opening Upward and Downwa

English Week 1 to 12 summary

Vowels and Consonants πŸ“š Vowels and Consonants English 1 playlist English 2 playlist English Graded Assignment Vowels Vowels are speech sounds produced without any significant constriction or blockage of airflow in the vocal tract. The primary vowels in English are a, e, i, o, u , and sometimes y . Consonants Consonants are speech sounds produced with some degree of constriction or closure at one or more points along the vocal tract. The consonants in English include b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z . Sounding Vowels and Consonants Sounding vowels are produced with an open vocal tract, allowing the air to flow freely. Examples include the sounds in "cat" (/Γ¦/), "see" (/iː/), and "moon" (/uː/). Sounding consonants involve some form of obstruction in the vocal tract. For example, the sound /b/ in "bat" involves closing the lips, w